Graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1982 and received Doctoral Degree from
Pace University. Ying was employed in Mass Mutual and Colonial Securities. She found
Univest Securities in November 1993 and has more than 25 years of experience on wealth
management and investment. She led Univest Securities through successfully the “tech
bubble” and “sub-prime crisis.” Series: 7,24,27,53,55,63 Registrations.
在加入万通证券之前,斯科特先生于2015年加入Aegis Capital Corp.,担任全球股票资本市场团队的重要成员。自加入Aegis以来,斯科特先生曾以首席经理、联合经理和银团成员的身份帮助促成了超过10亿美元的资本市场交易。他之前在全球股票资本市场的工作经验使他能够为全球机构客户提供高质量的战略建议和投资解决方案。他的工作重点主要是为中小型私营/上市公司筹集资金,并用于投资首次公开发行和二次发行。斯科特先生还曾在Cantor Fitzgerald公司的利率销售和交易部工作。斯科特先生持有的美国金融牌照:7,63。